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A member registered Feb 28, 2019

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Guild Project community · Created a new topic CGS broken

Hadn't noticed this but a few of the CGS appear to have completely broken such as skipping to the next option or flat out missing. More noticeably on the Bunny and Fennec Fox cgs.

Main complaint,  the AI cheats and dumb. One of the only other players that could compete with me Pinkie Pie, went all in with 890$ and immediately folded along with every other player except me. Meaning I gained 890$ for no reason. Then I had three of a kind aces, but lost to a high card of a queen and a joker. Not sure if I'm rusty on the rules but how did that lose?

Still unless you finish within the next 24 hours it wasn't arriving December.

Hopefully, this is why if you plan on promising a month for it to launch on you mean the month ahead.

(1 edit)

Like that time I fed the phoenix bad food and Hermoine went to go take care of it. So I lifted up her skirt, I cried so many times to that...

I mean you say bring a stash of tissues, after playing the game in full as of 51f I have yet to cry. So I'd assume by the fact we can request the girls to give us their underwear, we're meant to do something else other than cry....

Its weird make sure you buy the first row first and then the second. Also check the walkthrough to make sure you're in the right spot.

We're all hopeful, I just want it to launch so I can completely speed run all the unlocks and get to the new stuff.

Alright a couple of things, it felt less like blackjack and more like a random number generator. She always seemed to get about 16 or 18 whenever I'd play legit. However she'd rarely bust, and seemed to be playing it risky. Which is unusual compared to the other blackjack games I played. I also didn't like how she only had a few articles of clothing, since the game felt like it ended withing a few rounds of spamming all in (which is how I beat it)